
来源:校办 作者:霍巍巍 上传人:张彦宝 发布日期:2016-12-16

       2016年全国II卷遵循《2016年高考考试说明》,题型与前两年保持一致,并且阅读ABC篇和七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错和书面表达整体难度与前两年基本一致。但是笔者从2016年高考题也明显感受到一种声音:稳中有变化,难度略有增加。主要体现在以下几个方面:阅读理解的篇章内容复杂性增大(阅读理解的D篇),理解判断题增多,更注重分析、综合、概括和推理等思维能力的考查;注重英语语篇和语用的教学导向清晰(例如语法填空中make sure 句中原形make的使用)。但更多的是词汇方面的变化:

       1. 熟词生义:

       1)People who find the book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it. (2016阅读C篇)

       2Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dogs sled across the continent. (2016阅读D篇)

   3) Shackleton started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography. (2016阅读D篇)

 4) Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. (2016七选五)

 5) It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding … and how you approach the gardening process. (2016七选五)

       6) Then handle the most important tasks first so you will feel a real sense of …(2016语法填空)























deal with vt.

deal with






       2. 一词多义:

       1) The workshop look at every kind of comedy...(2016阅读A篇)(思考研究)

       2) His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home.(2016阅读B篇)(制成物)

       3. 构词法(同根词和合成词):


    1) Once I had a boy who worked experimentally with Tinkertoys in his free time.(2016阅读B篇)(experiment)

       2) It requires membership.    (2016阅读A篇)(member)

       3) His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class…(2016阅读A篇)(present)

       4) Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work.(2016阅读B篇)(create)

       5)The student would tell something wildly imaginative.(2016阅读B篇)(wild) (imagine)

       6) …adventuring was even a thoroughly commercial effort. (2016 阅读D篇)  (thorough)

    7) Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the south Pole in 1908.  (2016 阅读D篇)  (one; time; merchant; navy)

    8) For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent got me …(2016完形)(face)

    9) Rani, my faceless agent got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars and hotels. (2016完形) (rock;bottom)

       10) The woman, seeing my madness, sympathetically jumped up. (2016完形) (mad; sympathy)

       11) I was speechless. (2016完形)

    12) So get an early start and try to be as productive as possible before lunch. (2016语法填空)  (produce)

        13) 59. A. forgiveness   B. eagerness    C. friendliness     D. speechless  (2016完形)

           (forgive; eager; friend; speech)

       4. 考纲有教材从没有的出现的单词:

       1) Many of the images were stored in an ice chest under freezing water. (2016阅读D篇)

    2) Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back. (2016阅读D篇)

    3)46. A. direct         B. useful         C. easy          D. accurate (2016完形)


       5. 语言的地道性:

      1) His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home.(2010  阅读B篇)

        2) Without fail one would declare, “But I’m just not creative.” (2016阅读D篇)

   3)The website BookCrossing turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group. (2016阅读C篇)

       6. 短语依旧占一定比重:

       近三年都没有出现短语动词的辨析性考查,2015年完形是从语篇中考查常用短语第40 题be harmful to; be mixed with; be different from; be applied to。 2016年从语篇层次考查介词短语第47题 in person; by myself; in public; on purpose。另外,还有阅读中涉及短语也不少:make…out of…(阅读B篇), run the risk of doing (阅读B), in one’s honour(阅读B), figure out(阅读D篇),masses of (七选五);be concerned about (七选五),no more than等,都是耳熟能详的单词但短语一直是我们强调且学生薄弱的环节。




       根据新课标的要求,对词汇学习不仅仅限于辨认、识记和理解,还在于运用和表达。教师应为学生创设运用所学语言的语境。正如语言学家吕叔湘先生所说:“词语要嵌在上下文里头才有生命,才容易记住,才知道用法。” 所以,可以以模块为单位,以课文为背景,将重点高考词汇词组化,编入贴近学生实际、带有一定趣味性的语境。这样既复习了单词,也能在一定程度上提高书面表达水平。更重要的是,这种训练方式锻炼了学生在语篇和语境中运用和表达词汇的能力。例如必修1 Module1的复习,可以做这样的尝试:这学期初,我们有幸拥有一个很有活力的老师——沈老师。她完全不同于以前的初中的老师,她对英语的热爱对工作的热情给我们留下深刻印象。英语课上所有人都表现很好。家长们赞叹于我们的进步在她的教导下,我们能够流畅地说英语,还对英语阅读理解有了积极的态度

       我们所有人都有信心英语说得和本族语者一样好。通过翻译这个小语篇,学生可以不知不觉地在饶有趣味中掌握以下单词和词组:at the start of the term, be blessed with, dynamic, nothing like, precious, be enthusiastic about, show enthusiasm for, leave a deep impression on, be on good behavior, be amazed at, progress(advance), under one’s instruction, be fluent in, take a positive attitude towards, a native speaker。相信这样的训练并辅助以单词词组的语句填空和单词听写一定会打下坚实的词汇基础。

       2. 通过构词法解决同根词,扩大词汇。

        掌握构词法对猜测词义扩大词汇量很有帮助。如:2015年高考阅读D中的prehistoric这个词,可以根据构词法把它拆成pre, historic;其中pre“前”,historic词根是history所以pre“前”+historic“历史的”是“史前的”意思。教学中,专门把常用词缀作为词汇教学的一部分,有助于学生的积累和触类旁通。比如:否定词缀disadvantage, disappointed; undoubtfully, unpredictable; irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible; mislead, misfortune, misunderstanding; nonviolent, nonstop, nonsense;空间时间序列forehead, forearm, underground, underline, postwar, postliberation;表示特殊意义的前缀auto-自动automobile, auto bicycle; micro-微小,microscope, microcomputer;bi-数量, biweekly, bimonthly; mini-小型, minibus, miniskirt, minimarket;en-使, enrich, enlarge, enable;over-超过overead, overpass;构成抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,-ment, movement, government, judgment;tion, sion, tion, -ation, pronunciation, invitation, decision, decision, intention; -ship, friendship, membership, relationship;-hood (时期,状态,某类人) childhood, widowhood, likelihood brotherhood, parenthood。还可以注重结合模块渗透重点单词的同根词, 比如选修七Module 1 中的attend—attendance, defend—defence, association—associate, commentary—comment, instant—instantly, accelerate—accelerationd等。在整个词汇复习过程中,注重对同根词的输入和整理,会达到词汇复习事半功倍的效果。

       3. 利用学案落实熟词生义,一词多义。


       1) respectful 和respectable

       It is not __________________ to spit on the sidewalk. 

       Our new neighbors are very _________________ people. 

       2) bother  vt.  //  annoy  vt.    // trouble  vt.

       Stop ________ me with such a small matter.    

       His bad manner on the important occasion ________ me.

          Never ______ trouble until trouble _______ you.  

       3) court  n.   (一词多义、熟词生义)

       Four people will appear in court today, charged with robbery.

       The hotel has several tennis courts.

       She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I.


       4. 利用二轮复习专项训练,巩固和扩充词汇。

       二轮复习是巩固内化词汇的有利时机,把各个题型、尤其阅读和完形用活。既然“只有在语言使用(包括听、说、读、写)中才能深化和巩固词汇知识”(桂诗春,2006),也就是说不管用什么方法来学习词汇,都要学以致用,教师在词汇教学中就要为学生提供运用词汇的机会,使学生在学中用,在用中学。我在每篇阅读和完形语篇之后都要求学生根据自己的实际情况在“词汇积累本”上按日期象记日记一样书写记录下“我的生词单”和“复杂长句积累”让词不离句,句不离篇,反复感知,不断内化。另外还抓住近几年各省高考经常考到的词组,让学生自己回忆、辨析各相近词组的意思进行“动词短语头脑风暴”收集和巩固,并留作业编写语段如常用的take和bring有关短语我的一位学生这样编写:This old picture brings back my memory of early childhood in the countryside, where I was brought up by my devoted parents. I had a good time there but soon I was forced to attend school, which brought about some changes to my life and brought my happy days to an end. I felt I was taken in. But I was persuaded by my parents and worked hard to take on more responsibility. Finally, I took up business and soon my career took off!

       5. 利用《2016全国统一考试大纲》巩固和查缺补漏。

       在一轮复习的基础上,进行二轮复习时,一边积累阅读完形等阅读材料中的单词,一遍按照最新考纲查缺补漏,确认出还不熟悉的单词反复强化。我们尤其要重视教材中没有却在考纲中出现的词汇,这部分词汇学生相对生疏,整理出来强化训练很有必要。比如,accurate (2016完形); march; postpone (2016完形); submit; subscribe; tension; uniform; wind (v.); warehouse; wag; yummy; zoom等。另外,对于超纲词汇,要根据学生实际情况和能力做出要求,尽量减轻学生负担,2016高考对于这类词汇都有汉语注释,如contract, pasta, infect, virtual, shipwreck, sled, sum, fertilizer, recall, device, identify。


       舒运祥《五年高考试题透视》2013-2017 上海科技教育出版社2017年8月

       陈锡麟 “在句子中复习词语” “东方网大力神”高考讲座特辑2015年1月
